
Fundraising TIPS


We're here to help you maximize your fundraising potential.




Here are ten easy steps to get you started:

  1. Show your commitment by contributing to your own fundraising page.
  2. Ask your spouse, parents and other family members to match your donation.
  3. Ask your co-workers to donate.
  4. Ask a vendor or supplier from your company.
  5. Ask friends to sponsor you.
  6. Ask members of a club you belong to.
  7. Send out a letter/email/text to your holiday card mailing list.
  8. Ask people at businesses that you frequent often.
  9. Ask someone who has asked you for a donation.
  10. Ask your boss for a company contribution. Many companies match employee donations. Check if your company is interested in supporting Joybound in this way.

Ask yourself: Why are you fundraising for Joybound?

No matter what type of story you have, you can move and inspire people to donate to your effort by briefly sharing it with them and connecting it back to the cause of animal welfare and Joybound.

Share your story!

  • Email a link to your page to friends and family along with a short description of why you’re fundraising.
  • Post the link to your social media platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook groups, alumni pages, etc.)

Make "the Ask"

Close your email, post, or conversation with a simple ask for a donation. You can be specific on the dollar amount providing the reason why you’re looking for that amount or you can simply accept what they are willing to give.

Create different versions of emails depending on who you send it to. For example, an email to your friends can be casual in style and tone. You know your network better than anyone! In truth, people tend to give to people they know, and they will respond to personal appeal because YOU asked them!


Here are some creative ideas to gain additional support:

  • Organize a fundraising event: host your own event like chili cook-off, host a garage sale or a bake sale with your neighbors.
  • Have your cat or dog make the ask. Who can say no to that face?
  • Start a Facebook fundraiser or event.

Thank You and Follow-Up are Essential!

Remember to thank your donors! Gratitude can be an email, a handwritten card or a phone call. Include a short description outlining the impact of their donation. Keep the conversation about the event going - share progress to your goal, invite them to join you for the Pet Walk, and share event day photos. Don’t forget to follow up with anyone who hasn’t responded yet. We all have busy schedules - and a friendly reminder may be exactly what they need to remember to support you!